May 15, 2023

Gardening hack - Seed sowing toolkit

Start growing your own with us. We share our gardening hack and time-tested toolkit for seed sowing. This blog is the first in a series of blogs, and we talk about tools for watering seeds and seedlings.

Gardening hack - Seed sowing toolkit

Gardening hack - Seed sowing toolkit

In today's post, I share my hacks and time-tested toolkits for seed sowing - What do you need for watering seeds and seedlings? 

Tools for watering seeds and seedlings

💦 Recycled water cans with a spray nozzle cap - After trying and testing many different kinds of small water cans or sprays, I have found an effective method of watering the seeds and seedlings.

Recycling is fun and saves money

The recycled 1.5 liters bottle holds just enough water for me to water most of my seedling trays without refilling. I have two sets of them that I use once the seeds have germinated. 

It is very cost-effective, just 5 dollars / 50 kr (Swedish currency), I get a pair of these nozzle sprays - One that is good for showering the seeds and another concentrated one that I use once seedlings have germinated so I do not wet the leaves too much. 

I prefer bottom watering my seedlings if they are in seed trays. However, even with bottom watering, I have noticed that a few seedlings get dried much faster than the rest and need extra water. 

Start growing your own with Odla Mer 

It is easy and very cost-effective to start growing your vegetable and herbs. This week, I am sharing a series of small hacks on the seed-sowing toolkit. Hopefully, by end of this series, you will get your own seed-sowing toolkit and grow more with me. 

Would you like to share your experience and inspire others to start growing? Join the ad-free community of gardeners and plant lovers. Here is the link to download the Early Access app, now available on iPhone and Android. 

#seedsowing #toolkit #growyourown2023 #gyo2023 #gardeninghacks 

Authored by Sree Lalgudi

Loves growing vegetables, and herbs and having houseplants. She is the CEO and founder of Odla Mer App.